Project financing

CLIENT – seeking capital. There are two things that typically prevent a client from success.
lack of management, skills or knowledge
The Problem : trying to raise the money yourself is extremely difficult
The Solution : via ULA - utilizing a "templated' proven system

Note: Many make the mistake of believing that they can accomplish their goals on their own. It has taken Agency years to formulate processes, establish relationships and create systems that work without failure. To those who think that they can achieve their goals on their own – we wish them luck. To those who are serious, the best advice we can give is to stick to the system that works. Follow the instructions as given and success will be achieved. Do NOT try to alter the system.

AGENC Yis a Canadian company incorporated under the laws of Ontario specializing in commodity deals around the world. Of primary concern are the Energy sectors, Power Stations and Oil Products including refined and crude oil. AGENCY has established relationships and an unalterable formula that guarantees success utilizing the know-how, access to incredible financing options and a global team of experts.

MERCHANT BANK (to be disclosed upon signing)
AGENCY has Joint Ventured with a Merchant Bank that has an offshore closed investment operation utilizing investment trusts and financial reserves owned by sovereign governments. It has a highly skilled team of veteran financial, construction, technical, engineering, consulting and production personnel.

Certain projects are considered highly desirable: Energy, Resources, Existing Mining, International Projects, Proven and/or producing Gas and Oil wells and Refineries. Depending on the type of project some of the following aspects are required: proven track records, reservoir reserves, operational costs, property valuation and project pricing.

In order for a project to be financed, a money SWIFT is issued to a Trust Account with ULA in the amount of $5 million dollars to establish a public shell company with the capital input . All auditing occurs via one of 4 major international auditing firms (see below). ULA may establish a 50/50 split formula in one of 2 ways:


JOINT VENTURE: Only appropriate, qualified and acceptable Joint Ventures are undertaken. We ensure significant financing is in place and offer contracts for the delivery of commodities directly from the producing entity.

CLIENT: It is expected that the Client participates in the development of operations.

MERCHANT BANKER: A Management team is put in place to oversee world-wide operations. This team assures that each project has the necessary human resources to achieve ultimate production success (lawyers, engineers, accountants, consultants, technical team and support staff).

ANALYSIS: An approval process takes place through a specific formula for success. A key component of the formula uses carefully designed “templates”. The templates must be filled out and adhered to without alteration. This proven system does not tolerate any changes. The Client MUST follow protocol or risk rejection.

ACCOUNTANTS OF RECORD: Investment Criteria is evaluated by one of four international accounting firms. They also administer the royalty flows for the corporation.

CANADIAN FEDERAL GOVERNMENT’S EXPORT DEVELOPMENT (EDC) approval required: EDC considers and evaluates the transaction’s potential benefit to Canada through a variety of factors. EDC’s strength is in financial services, innovative insurance and bonding products, international networks and its in-depth analysis of global economic conditions.
STRATEGY: The strategy includes using experienced, international operators and a proven system. ULA also assists in establishing the following:

Accountant of Record
Bank of Record
Contractor's of Record etc.
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